Thursday, July 10, 2008

The eternity of a minute.

While the topic suggests that I’m going to launch into some zzz giving philosophical discussion, perhaps I just will!

Ok Gotcha!

I’m just talking about the one minute that feels like forever when spent at home in the morning on a wasted activity when one is already running late for work. Now isn’t that a familiar feeling? You’re just about shooting out of the door, when the phone rings (the landline of course. A marketing call – but of course!). You’re half way through the stairs and you mom/spouse asks you if you can fish out the laundry and give them on your way… and an innumerable other inane situations.

You can’t help but get angry right? There you are and you KNOW that you’d have been on time if not for this annoying last minute distraction.
However, in the darkest corner of you heart, you feel something. Is that a tinge of elation you sense? After all you now have someone to blame!! A tiny voice tells you that you would’ve been late anyway but now you have a legal and valid reason to make a face and tell the person who caused the delay that its all because of them. You can even tell the boss why you were so un-necessarily delayed. It’s the one minute that you NEED to believe lasted till eternity.

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