Monday, March 16, 2009

Kooky series

I think this is fun. I will start a number and “side-series” and see where they head.

Today’s series is: “Things to avoid/not do in America especially if you are from India and your taste matches mine and you are 5 feet tall or above”. Since this is my series, I have the right to name them what I want.

1) Do not walk. Drive! – Please, even if it sounds like the sanest thing to do, do not walk in this country (disclaimer: This is for the average American location. Not New York City). You do so at your own risk, as I discovered yesterday.

On a lazy Sunday afternoon who wants to cook? So the Mr and I decided to go get some grub from a place that was apparently 200 yards away (thank you google maps!). And so we walked. The footpath (the sidewalk as it is called in these parts) narrowed and finally becoming non-existant. Soon we had to walk on a dirt path ok. (gulp), ditch. Yes, ditch with some serious clay that stuck to my brand new shoes. We had a tough time steadying ourselves from the wind that almost blew us away everytime a vehicle passed, not to mention the quizzical looks on the face of the drivers. Are those people walking on their OWN TWO FEET or is that a mirage from all the Texas heat? Anyway you get the picture. We walked and never got anywhere and of course we were murderously hungry. Had to go back home, take the car out and get a meal eventually.

So, no walking please.

2) Avoid root beer – As exotic as it sounds all it is, is Iodex stirred into carbonated water with very little sugar. I discovered this yesterday, after the grand walk. Worse still, none of my aches and pains went away.
3) Avoid grapefruit juice – If like me you thought it was grape juice, you are forgiven. If I had paid any attention to the colour of the drink, I would have been forgiven too. But alas! It’s the bitterest most horrible drink on earth (along with root beer of course!). It does’nt DESERVE to be pink in colour

This list is bound to expand and I will delight you with all the information.

As always>> You’re welcome.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Statutory warning

The herein mentioned blog is titled Filter Cafe that bears close resemblance to Filter Coffee - the wonder drink from South India, a liquid which the writer loves (ok, is addicted to!). It thereby follows that good content can only stem from lavish gulping of the beverage mentioned. Now, the writer has been denied this simple pleasure owing to the move from Bangalore to Austin. Thus, future posts may be "Nescafe instant" like until a certain shipment arrives from Bangalore, India. Till then as they say :

Coffee is not my cup of tea.

Chew on this.

From "simply adjust maadi" to "howdy partner!"

For all of you who thought this blog is dead dead dead! …too bad. I’m back!

A new series shall start on this blog to high light the recent events in my rather eventful life. The move from Bangalore, Karnataka, India to Austin, Texas, USA. Yes, just recently moved countries from the land of Yedyurappa (what’s with the moralistic BJP these days?) to Mc Cain country (although Austin is supposed to be the haven of wierdness in the midst of the conservativeness that defines the rest of Texas). Yay!. So, after having stayed in Bangalore all my life, here I am in Texas.

So, lots of observances shall be showcased to you – reader and will shift depending on mood of self. So don’t berate me.

My current mood is as follows: The US is a developed country? Really?.

Chew on this. For more, patiently await my posts.