Thursday, April 2, 2009

Windy Austin

Austin can be windy. Very windy. The reason, I feel, is because there are so few tress here. I mean the REAL ones. The only kind you see here are the dwarf boutique variety. You know they’re small and look pretty. So, anyway, there is nothing to stop the damn wind from flying right through and helping you and your shopping cart get ahead of yourself. I give below a very real example to substantiate this.

I go to the grocery store today. I know it’s a windy day because I fight my way to the car. All is well. Groceries are done.

Now, I go back to the car where I balance the cart, the car keys and myself. Have to open the door to put the stuff in. In the melee, the shopping cart runs away on the gentle gradient (helped by the wind of course). I somehow put everything in and then after the mandatory which side of the car to go towards confusion (this whole right side driving thing drives me crazy), I get to the driver’s seat. I open it with zero visibility. My hair is flying all about. Then I notice some important papers inside the car are swirling like crazy and one is already on the driver’s seat ready to sneak out. I quickly stop that by jumping towards the driver’s seat with my ahem!, posterior. Now I’m deeply satisfied. I saved the paper but wait a minute! I can’t turn!. The wind had made my hair go vertical and then some of it was still stuck between the door (on the top) when I dived in! I must have been a sight. That was confirmed when I came home looking something like this.

1 comment:

Maanasi said...

You are tagged.....